Modernizing the recovery process of individuals immobilized from shoulder surgery by shaping a seamless experience with a functional, innovative design.

shoulder surgery shirts, shoulder surgery clothes, after surgery clothing

Fabricated Out of Necessity

We understand that shoulder surgery is scary. We’ve been through multiple shoulder surgeries giving us an opportunity to perfect the process for the road to shoulder recovery ahead.


Patented Design

Embedded magnets in our unisex SlingShirt® gives you an opportunity to stay independent while not missing a beat in your life due to the setbacks of shoulder recovery or rotator cuff recovery. U.S. Patent No. 11,122,844

shoulder surgery shirts, shoulder surgery clothes, after surgery clothing

Why SlingShirt?

We believe that how you feel mentally affects how you recover physically. SlingShirt® gives you a sense of pride and ownership knowing that you can tackle your day…even if it’s only with one arm.

shoulder surgery shirts, shoulder surgery clothes, after surgery clothing

How it Started

JC Coban had dreams of playing baseball in the major leagues, until an injury resulted in a reconstructive shoulder surgery…

Read JC’s Story